segunda-feira, 28 de março de 2016

let's say goodbye

turn on the lights
our story is ending
I wore this thing so far down
I can't tell what I'm talking about

lov u
infinite, incalculable & constant.

segunda-feira, 14 de março de 2016

yes, up to this day

you left me and I am brokem and shattered into million pieces. I don't know what to do and all I know is that I can't do it on my own and I need you. No words can describe the pain that I have felt. I can't eat because of the continuous disappointment that I am feeling. I kept crying myself to sleep, I don't want to go out and socialize with anyone. I wish to evaporate so that I will no longer have to endure the pain that is eating my whole system. the person who I chose making memories with is just another memory and everytime I remember how you left me, I can still feel the hurt.

yes, up to this day. I am still hurting. but not like the first few months that I didn't want to wake up the next day. hurting in a sense that there are days that I miss you and you are the person I would like to share how my day went. hurting of the thought that the person that I am not willing to gave up, gave up on me. hurting because the person that I loved the most is just somebody that I used to know, you are tottally a different person now. hurting to see how easy for you to let go and forget the things that means the world to me. and hurting because of the trauma and fear to love and trust someone again.

you will always be a chapter that I will never get tired of reading again. not because I can't get over you but because I have learned so many lessons from you and you will always be a reminder that I have to go through certain chapters to understand and fully appreciate the happy ending of my story. and if ever we are lucky enough to get a plot twist and life decides to make our paths cross again, I hope you see me not just as one of your ex-lover but the girl who loved you the most.