segunda-feira, 23 de maio de 2016

like a fool

we take a cance from time to time
and put our necks out on the line
and you have broken 
every promise that we made
and I have loved you anyway

took a fine time to leave me hangin' out to dry
understand now I'm grievin'
so don't you waste my time
cause you have taken 
all the wind out of my sails
and I have loved you just the same

we finally find this 
then you're gone
been casin' rainbows all along
and you have cursed me
when there's no one left to blame
and I have loved you just the same

and you have broken every single fucking rule
and I have loved you like a fool

quarta-feira, 18 de maio de 2016

slow burn

i feel my future tied to my past (why don't we go and leave this world behind)
whatch me as i wonder aimless through this mistery
counting all the times you've fallen to the cold
you were always there for me... always said a prayer for me...
i'm drifting in time
no reason i find, you always come to my soul
somehow you believed there'd always be a season for us to behold
i'm drifting in time
no reason, no rhymes, you always come to my soul
i've learnd to believe
so thank you for the slow burn you'be broght to my heart
and you are the one
yes you are the one
i have been too distant, sometimes just to far away...
(let me go and leave it all behind)
sorry if i've hurt you, sorry for the time we've lost
if you could just forgive me... i'd bow down before you
so that you could see i'm real... so that you could hear this words!
i'm drifting in time
no reason i find, you always come to my soul
somehow you believed there'd always be a season for us to behold
i'm drifting in time
no reason, no rhymes, you always come to my soul
i've learnd to believe
so thank you for the slow burn you'be broght to my hear
and you are the one,,,
yes, you are the one!

segunda-feira, 28 de março de 2016

let's say goodbye

turn on the lights
our story is ending
I wore this thing so far down
I can't tell what I'm talking about

lov u
infinite, incalculable & constant.

segunda-feira, 14 de março de 2016

yes, up to this day

you left me and I am brokem and shattered into million pieces. I don't know what to do and all I know is that I can't do it on my own and I need you. No words can describe the pain that I have felt. I can't eat because of the continuous disappointment that I am feeling. I kept crying myself to sleep, I don't want to go out and socialize with anyone. I wish to evaporate so that I will no longer have to endure the pain that is eating my whole system. the person who I chose making memories with is just another memory and everytime I remember how you left me, I can still feel the hurt.

yes, up to this day. I am still hurting. but not like the first few months that I didn't want to wake up the next day. hurting in a sense that there are days that I miss you and you are the person I would like to share how my day went. hurting of the thought that the person that I am not willing to gave up, gave up on me. hurting because the person that I loved the most is just somebody that I used to know, you are tottally a different person now. hurting to see how easy for you to let go and forget the things that means the world to me. and hurting because of the trauma and fear to love and trust someone again.

you will always be a chapter that I will never get tired of reading again. not because I can't get over you but because I have learned so many lessons from you and you will always be a reminder that I have to go through certain chapters to understand and fully appreciate the happy ending of my story. and if ever we are lucky enough to get a plot twist and life decides to make our paths cross again, I hope you see me not just as one of your ex-lover but the girl who loved you the most.

sexta-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2016

send his love to me

Our relationship was never too healthy or happy. It was rather an example of how meeting your soul mate can turn into hanging in a cage with your biggest enemy. Toxic, and tense.
We made mistakes, horrible ones. He wouldn’t apologize until it was too late or too meaningless. And I sit now, thinking that I craved for his face, and words and touch, expecting the worst but hoping for the best. I craved – literally – for everything that he was. Or what I thought he was. We were not the people we hoped we were. Perfection, it’s an exaggeration, but we were far even from peaceful or happy.
I changed a lot and he changed a lot, He ended showing me no appreciation, respect or real love any more. Not even lust. In my dreams, we are still happy. In my sleep, sometimes, we still hold each other till our breath stops, we still curl our arms around each others neck. Bodies don't know our ache and at night they still react to the same chemestry that brought people together. Bodies weren't scarred, tired, beaten or hurt like the heart was.
And I do love him, despite his yelling at me, despite his mean and untruthful words, despite his jealousy, his lacking respect, his aggressiveness, his capacity to turn me into nothing just by looking at me. I love him so much that I never even considered lying, cheating, calling him names or even think about someone else as a potential boyfriend after I confessed my best and my worse to him.  I love him so bad that nothing him have done or would do could break or terminate my feelings for him. So strong that I can wish him nothing but happiness and success and fulfillment. So incredibly passionate that I would not consider letting any other boy touch me even though we’ve broken up. So much that I couldn’t bare the thought that him’d be cold at night, hungry or helpless. So much that if he wanted me for good and kept me in his life I would have followed him no matter the place. I love him so much that despite his bad temper, bad manners and sometimes bad judgement I managed to see the heart he’d never wear out. I love him so dear that I let myself inspired by his good deeds and let his brutal words all pass through me.
But I still have to let go. And not knowing how is probably the thing eating at my heart.

quarta-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2015

Where were you when I was burned and broken?
While the days slipped by from my window watching
Where were you when I was hurt and I was helpless
Because the things you say and the things you do surround me
While you were hanging yourself on someone else's words
Dying to believe in what you heard
I was staring straight into the shining sun

Lost in thought and lost in time
While the seeds of life and the seeds of change were planted
Outside the rain fell dark and slow
While I pondered on this dangerous but irresistible pastime
I took a heavenly ride through our silence
I knew the moment had arrived
For killing the past and coming back to life